Attention Aspiring, New and Established Virtual Assistants!

Don't Let Your Technical Skills
(Or Lack Thereof) Hold You Back From
Confidence and Success in Your Business!


From the Desk of: Sydni Craig-Hart
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Dear Friend,

In my experience, there are two types of Virtual Assistants in this world.

Virtual Assistant #1 is highly successful. She commands top dollar for her services (and gets it!), works only with her ideal clients and consistently attracts new clients and referrals.

Virtual Assistant #2 struggles to achieve even mediocre success. She desperately tries to get more clients, finds it hard to work efficiently, never has enough time throughout the day and never seems to reach her goals.

Which one sounds like you? Which one do you WANT to be?

There is a secret to becoming Virtual Assistant #1. Here it is:

You MUST embrace technology!

Without a concrete knowledge of virtual technology, you CANNOT be successful as a Virtual Assistant.

If your work experience is anything like mine, you probably have a strong corporate background. You're used to having an IT department, a production department and other support services at your disposal. Those were the days when you could simply pick up the phone and have a trusty support professional pop down to your desk, fix the problem, and you were on your merry way. You didn't feel any pressing need to learn about technology because you had the support you needed from other people.

But in the world of Virtual Assistance, you're on your own! You ARE the IT department, production department, telephone communications and everything else that goes into running your business efficiently.

You and you ALONE are responsible for figuring it all out, while still serving your clients and marketing your business. The more clients you attract, the more you'll need to know about managing their technology!

Perhaps you've wondered:

  • How can I support my clients when we're not in the same office?

  • What is the BEST CRM to use for my business?

  • What software can I use for project management?

  • How do I answer my clients' phones and emails?

  • What is a good resource for sending and receiving large files?

  • What software should I use google apps or MS Office?

  • What back up systems can I use?

  • Is there anything wrong with using the cloud?

  • How do I use technology to get clients?

  • What tools/software will help me to collaborate with my clients?

You might feel overwhelmed, floundering and unsure how to answer these questions - but it's critical that you find out the answers!

If you don't know how to use technology to work efficiently, you're going to waste time, lose money, frustrate your clients and feel like a second-rate Virtual Assistant.

Look, just because you've decided to become a Virtual Assistant, doesn't mean you know how to work virtually. And not knowing how to work virtually is going to have a huge negative impact on your business. You will end up losing client after client to a VA who knows how to work more efficiently than you do.

If you don't get up to date with technology NOW, you'll find yourself:

  • Stressed out of your mind with too much to do and never enough time to get it all done.

  • Embarrassed by your lack of technical knowledge and expertise.

  • Overwhelmed by the demands of your clients and the needs of running your business.

  • Envious of others who continue to grow their businesses and earn more money than you do.

  • Doubting your abilities and and prospects of becoming successful.

But if you learn to love and use virtual technology, you will:

  • Save countless hours every day because you have technical systems that work for you.

  • Make more money because you can command higher fees for your services.

  • Impress your clients and inspire referrals because you are so tech savvy.

  • Feel more confident in your abilities as a Virtual Assistant.

  • Eliminate those nagging feelings of frustration and "techno-ignorance"!

Well, stop imagining and make it a reality! Join me for:

Upgrade Your Virtual Technology Know-How in 3 Simple Steps - a two-session LIVE virtual training for VA's Who Want to Make More Money, Save Time and Attract MORE Clients

During these on-demand training sessions, I will show you:

  • A simple, three-step formula to supercharge your virtual technology success.

  • What "systems" are and why you need them in your business.

  • The five core systems you MUST have in your business if you want to be successful.

  • The best way to get training on software and technology so you really know your stuff.

  • How to make more money, save time and work less as a Virtual Assistant by using the right technology in the right way.

  • And much, much more!

Resister Now

Deb Allen“Thank you so much for this teleseminar! It was perfect timing.

Before taking this class, I thought only large corporations had access to the technology. I had no idea that I could have access to it too. I now feel ready and confident to get my VA business started now that I've learned of the tools that will help run my business and my client's company efficiently. I feel empowered by the fact that I can impress my clients with my technical know-how. I can’t wait to get started using the new tools that Sydni shared with us.

If you're thinking about taking this course with Sydni, I think you’ll be very satisfied. Sydni has opened up a whole new world for me and I’m glad I attended the teleseminar series.”

~ Deb Allen - Allen Virtual Assistant Service


LindaE“I am just starting out my VA business and taking the Full Practice VA classes and learning so much. I had on my "to do list" to go research the systems and products that were out there for VA's that would make them appear more Savvy and look like you have been running your business forever.

By means of this class, Sydni has removed hours of research and frustration for us so we can concentrate on our business. I now feel confident I can get my first client. I am going to be able to put into practice these different systems and as a result I am going to know how to work quicker and in return make more money. This course is PRICELESS for a VA, all the information we now have at our figure tips.

~ Linda Eskridge - Virtual Assistant


“I lost my job almost 2 years ago due to layoffs. I've been on unemployment but the depressed economy was bad enough that I wasn't even able to get work through temp agencies.

A professional friend of mine urged me to get in touch with Sydni Craig-Hart to set up shop as a Virtual Assistant. After close to 20 years in corporate life, first as an Admin Assistant and finally as an Executive Assistant, she reminded me that I had the skills to handle assistant duties, but not the knowledge to get started on my own.

In just two classes, Sydni Craig-Hart has given me the tools I need to get started on my own as a Virtual Assistant, and the encouragement to add other technical skills to my repertoire. I'm looking forward to the new daily commute: to my home desktop; and to being my own boss. Sydni has also set up an online network of other VA's to connect with each other, brainstorm, support and help each other as we establish ourselves and begin work with our clients.

If you are thinking about taking this course with Sydni, I think you need to ask yourself what's taking you so long to get started?

~ Linda Jofery - Aspiring VA


“Before Sydni's class, my concern was having clients that were more 'tech-savvy' than me. The information about all the technical tools available that can make the Virtual Assistant role more productive was fabulous! I now feel that I'm off to a good start. This class gave me more confidence learning about new tech tools to help grow my business. I highly recommend this class to all those who are just starting out or seriously considering a career as a virtual assistant. Thanks, Sydni! You rock!”

~ Barbara Trulby - Virtual Assistant Plus


Ann Savino“I thought it was a wonderful teleseminar. I feel more ready to start my business than before taking the class because I have practical information to start with. None of the services that were mentioned are hard to use so I feel that when I am ready to use the different services, it will be easy.

The information is going to make my life easier as I start my practice. I loved the Q&A because I learned so much from my questions and also the questions of others. I love that you took so much time with each person and also shared your own personal experiences. I found the class to be very inspiring and made me feel that I can be successful. That's a huge feat to not only impart technical information but to also help people in less tangible ways with inspiration and confidence.

I am very interested in taking more classes with you as I start on this journey.”

~ Ann Savino - Aspiring VA

Get expert advice on how to use virtual technology, how to set up simple systems for your business, how to upgrade the services you provide and start enjoying the freedom you deserve!


Here's an example of how technology can help you be more productive in working with clients and running your business:


If you've ever found yourself thinking, "there has to be a better, faster, easier way to handle this" when dealing with a client issue or operations problem, then this virtual training series is for you. Because, yes, there is a "way"!

But my guess is that, like a lot of Virtual Assistants, you're caught up in the day-to-day activities of your business and haven't given yourself a chance to discover what that "way" is.

So, if you are ready to...

  • Grow, work less and make more money
  • Upgrade the level of service you provide your clients
  • Be a super-star in the industry and stuff your bank account with more dollars

Then join me now for our new and improved LIVE "Virtual Technology Success" training series!

Resister Now

Here’s what you get when you participate in the "Virtual Technology Know-How™" Training:

check mark2 LIVE in-depth training webinars with Sydni Craig-Hart to show how to use technology as a Virtual Assistant (Value $1,000)
You will join me for two comprehensive training sessions, delivered by video, with proven strategies, timely examples, resources and case studies to help you succeed. Each session will run 45-60 minutes. We'll meet on Tuesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 11th at 5:00pm (Pacific)/8:00pm (Eastern)

check mark2 LIVE Q&A sessions with Sydni Craig-Hart (Value $750)
I'll personally answer any questions you have about the material covered in the training call or the demonstration, and anything else you need help with in implementing in technology and systems into your business. Even if you don't have a particular question, this Q& A session will offer a wealth of information, advice and ideas you won't want to miss!

check markA detailed learning guide! (Value $97)

You'll receive a comprehensive learning guide to walk you through each step. This valuable tool will guide you through setting up the necessary systems in your business and allow you to easily follow along with the training, write down those points that are especially important to you, and refer to your notes long after the call is over.

That's a total value of $1,847!



Register by Friday, March 29th and You'll Also Receive These Exclusive Bonuses:

check markA detailed training session on how to develop systems for your business (Value $500)
Together we'll walk through the recommended systems and technology. I will show you how to setup and use these tools to save time, decrease stress and increase your profits. This session will run approximately 45 minutes.

check markYour personal copy of the "Virtual Technology Know-How™" resource guide!  (Value $97)
Researching vendors, service providers and other business resources can take HOURS of your time.... and time equals money! So, I'm giving you access to my personal resource list of professional service providers who systematize your business and get you running at full speed quickly.


“Before taking this class, I was overwhelmed with how I would even begin my VA practice. Now that I've taken this class, I have a clear understanding of the resources available, and how they will benefit me in starting my business.

I am still working full time and taking classes at night and my target date for my launch in sometime mid to late 2010. In the meantime, I am working hard at laying the foundation and groundwork for a successful business practice.

Even though I plan on enrolling in AssistU, I love your shorter classes. I feel that I'm getting a leg up by taking your classes first and really giving some thought to how I want my business to look, how I want it to be structured, etc. I've been a business owner before, but not in this fashion. I'm still working on fleshing out my ideal client and these classes help me to visualize just who that might or might not be.

If you are thinking about taking this course with Sydni, I encourage you to do so. You won't regret it.

~ Christy Clawson -  Aspiring VA


Sheryl Snitkin“After being in Corporate America for 25 years, I started my business as a Virtual Assistant. I wish I had this info before starting my business. I can see where I was spinning my wheels before! These solutions are great.

I'm very impressed regarding your understanding of what we as new VAs need to know. (Is there anything you DON’T know about being a Virtual Assistant? :-) ) You "get it" that we already know what was provided to us in Corporate America. These are tools that for the most part, we didn't use in corporate and had no idea existed.

It's said that "we don't know what we don't know" and this class gives us that information in a concise, understandable, and interactive format. To me, that's the most valuable education I can receive as a new VA.

For any VA considering this course, you'll find that it will save you time in your business from day one.

~ Sheryl M. Snitkin, New Virtual Assistant - Urban Admin, LLC

You'll walk away from this training with the EXACT tools you need to streamline your business, save time and make more money!

When I first started my business. I was so unaware of the technical solutions available to help me. It was embracing technology and implementing these solutions that eventually allowed me to become a fabulous Virtual Assistant with a great reputation.

I don't want you to struggle against what you don't know, like I did. I want to give you everything you need to dissolve any feelings of overwhelm or inadequacy you may be experiencing.

During the "Virtual Technology Know-How™" training series I'm going to share how you can implement specific systems for your business and give you my personal recommendations for:

  • Collaboration/Project Management Tools

  • Remote Access to Your Client’s Computer

  • Virtual Telephone Systems

  • Contact Management Systems

  • Calendar Management Tools

  • Web-Based Scheduling Tools

  • Virtual Fax Services

  • Email Management Tools

  • Bookkeeping Resources

  • Time Tracking Software

  • Website/Blog Maintenance Software

  • File Storage/Online Backup Solutions

  • Instant Messaging Software

  • And more!

Resister Now

I look forward to "seeing" you in my virtual classroom!

Wishing you success,

Sydni Craig-Hart
Your VA Success Coach™

P.S. If you have any questions about the program, please feel free to contact me at


General Sales Purchase Policy:

As we hold a number of special offers at various times, we must adhere to our policy that products and program prices, sales, special discounts, free trials, and the like are valid only for the dates and deadlines upon which they are offered, so they are not valid on previous or future purchases.

Also any promo, coupon or discount codes must be used at the time of purchase, at the checkout page in our shopping cart, and they are not valid on previous or future purchases. We don't make exceptions to this policy as it would not be fair practice to do so.

Refund Policy:

Please note that as "Upgrade Your Technology Know How" is a digital based program, no refunds can be offerred.


About Sydni Craig-Hart, Your Virtual Assistant Success Coach™

Sydni Craig-HartSydni Craig-Hart liberates Administrative Professionals from the corporate world by showing them how to become savvy, self-employed Virtual Assistants. Her company, gives Administrative Professionals the support, tools and information they need to successfully transition into a profitable career in Virtual Assistance.

She is also the co-founder of Craig Hart Consulting, LLC, a full-service marketing coaching, consulting and implementation firm that specializes in helping entrepreneurs boost their revenue, maximize their Internet presence and run productive, efficient businesses. Sydni’s work has been featured at,,, in Black Enterprise magazine and numerous other radio shows, websites and blogs. Because of her extraordinary work as the founder of and co-founder of Craig Hart Consulting, she was nominated for the AssistU Virtual Assistant of the Year award in 2008.

For Sydni’s FREE special report, The Liberated Executive Assistant: How to Break Free From the Corporate Grind and Become Your Own Boss, FREE subscription to her weekly newsletter, “EA to VA Insights and FREE "Full Practice VA!" Quick Start Pack visit You’ll find out everything you need to know about the Virtual Assistance industry, what steps you need to take to get started and run your own successful Virtual Assistance business.

Sydni enjoys traveling, cooking, reading, wine-tasting, and anything spa related. A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, she currently lives in Emeryville, CA with her amazing husband and business partner, Wil Hart.





Executive Assistant to Virtual Assistant!
a Division of
Craig Hart Consulting, LLC
2340 Powell Street, Suite 223
Emeryville, CA 94608-1738
E-mail: Support [at]
Telephone: 510.601.0470

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