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Achieving Goals Business Management Mindset Virtual Assistant

Break Through Discouragement and Get Back on Track

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “Perception is reality.”  And while it may mean different things to different people, today I want to focus on how our limiting beliefs, self-doubt and negative thoughts all play a part in creating a successful business.  Even if you think these feelings are only tied to your personal life – think again.  They can (and will) interfere with your business.


As a Virtual Assistant, your personal and business lives are often completely intertwined.  It is important to recognize this potential problem because it could actually be holding you back in achieving the business success you are looking for.   For example, let’s say you are just plain discouraged with your life right now.

Perhaps your personal life is less than stellar – maybe you haven’t had a date in awhile, or you and your significant other have been at odds with each other lately.  Then, you start to focus on the things “wrong” with your life and you get discouraged with everything, including your business.  You start to think that you can’t be as successful as you want to be because of your competition, lack of knowledge or lack of funds to take a continuing education course, or whatever.

Once you get “down in the dumps” about yourself and your business, that’s exactly what you project to everyone else.  That in and of itself will limit your progress.  That negative energy you are putting out into the world around you will only attract more negative energy.

So how do you fix this?

First acknowledge that you are discouraged and don’t beat yourself up over it.  All of us can get discouraged now and again.  But once you realize this is the case with you, make the decision to “turn the corner” and focus your attention on resolving the issues at hand.

Often we make situations more complicated than necessary because we over-think matters and ignore simple solutions.  Don’t fall into this trap! Make the decision to view things differently. Give yourself the space to calmly and objectively think about the situation.  Talk out your feelings with a trusted confidant to clear your mind.  Decide on a resolution, take action and pat yourself on the back for doing so!

Also, get support from fellow VAs who can relate to your business challenges and personal circumstances.  Consider teaming up with an accountability buddy, joining a mastermind group or hiring a coach to ensure you are making progress in your business.  At the very least connect with others in the EAtoVA community by getting involved in our LinkedIn group. All of this “mental cleanup” and trusted support will help you get clarity in your personal and business life.

Once you’ve gained clarity, moved away from discouragement and start to take positive action, you will see your personal and business life flourish.  Even in seemingly small ways.

Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think can or think you can’t you’re right!” So, you have to put yourself in a place to attract and receive success.  Remember, the only way to do this is to break through the negative beliefs that you have.  You’re not the only one; we ALL have them in one form or another.  You’re not crazy.  You’re not destined for “failure”.  You are human.

How you choose to deal with the challenges will set you apart from those who “wish” they had it together and those that actually do.  Your version of success is right in front of you, there for the taking.  So, don’t stand in your own way and let it pass you by!

I’d love to know what you think about this week’s article and how we as a community can support you in achieving your goals. Stop by the blog to comment and share your thoughts!

Your Action Plan For The Week:

  1. Watch for any tendencies to over think your problems. If you find yourself getting down in the dumps, acknowledge it and talk out your feelings with a trusted confidant or accountability partner.
  2. Make a decision to think about things differently. Once you’ve given yourself space to gain clarity, focus on looking for simple solutions to your challenges.
  3. Take action! The best way to break through a negative belief is to take ONE step toward your goals. Prove yourself wrong by taking action.
  4. Get support from your community. Get involved in the EAtoVA LinkedIN group (it’s completely FR*EE!) so you have access to advice and support from people who understand what you’re going through.

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