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You now have permission to …..

Perhaps you saw in last week’s ezine that I spent the better part of the week with my mastermind group in CT. It was, again, an awesome experience and I’m so grateful to have the support of these brilliant entrepreneurs as I continue to grow my business.

During one of my colleague’s presentations, I had an amazing “AH-Ha” moment! (You know…. one of those times when you think “DUH! Why am I just now realizing this?”)

My “AH-Ha” moment was this ….

We all need a place to brag!!!

What am I talking about? Let me ask you this….

How many of you were taught as children to not brag because it isn’t polite? I certainly was. I would have received a stern look from my Mom for doing so and maybe worse (depending on how obnoxious my bragging episode was! 🙂

So we grow up thinking this and go through life never really celebrating our accomplishments to the full. This is counterproductive in our business life. Because we are each working diligently to build a successful business, we may take for granted the small (or even large) success that we enjoy each day because we’re so focused on our laundry list of “to-do”. And because we’ve been trained not to brag about ourselves, we don’t even stop to acknowledge our progress or pat ourselves on the back.

So, I am here today to give you unconditional permission to brag! Yes, that’s right! I want to hear ALL about your recent accomplishments, large or small! Inspire the group! Tell us how much money you made! What new software you’ve mastered! Or anything else you want to share. I want all the juicy details! 🙂

I’ll love it and applaud you and so will the 2,500+ EA ~> VA community members! It’s high time we started celebrating our accomplishments in a big way.

So step on up! Who’s first?

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