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Podcast Target Market Virtual Assistant

The VA Success Cafe: Episode 2

You already possess the knowledge and skills that prospective clients are willing to pay for. In this audio, you will hear a discussion of why many entrepreneurs need your expertise to solve their problems. Check out the audio and post your thoughts and questions below.

Mindset Podcast Virtual Assistant

The VA Success Cafe: Episode 1

Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can, you are right.” It is imperative for you as a Virtual Assistant to believe that you will succeed in business. There are a few things that you can do to develop the success mindset. In this audio, you will learn what you need to do to avoid feelings of failure and cultivate a healthy, successful mindset.

Business Management Mindset Virtual Assistant

Successful Thinking for Virtual Assistants

Do you find it hard to believe that you can create or accomplish anything that you want? I used to have that problem. When growing up, I was very shy. My shyness stemmed from feelings of inadequacy. I always thought, “I’m not good enough, smart enough, strong enough, fast enough…” etc.

What needed to change? Just a few things needed to change. The most important was the way that I viewed myself and what was possible in life. The same goes for you if you think that you cannot accomplish whatever you so desire. Therefore, I invite you to ask this very important question, “What is possible?” If you ask that question enough, you will find an endless supply of possibilities in any field of endeavor. My goal is to help you realize the possibilities for your Virtual Assistance business.

Your success starts with the way you think about yourself and what you can accomplish. I have 2 guarantees for you. 1) If you think you cannot succeed, you won’t. 2) If you believe you will be successful, you WILL.

Is it that easy? Think about it, for a moment. When a person says that they cannot do a thing, they immediately cancel out the ability to succeed. However, when an individual believes that he will succeed, he will stop at nothing to fully realize what he is after.

Having a successful mindset requires ongoing maintenance and reassurance. Here are a few thoughts that may be helpful to you in developing and maintaining a successful mindset:

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” ~ Napoleon Hill

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” ~ Helen Keller

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” ~ Bill Cosby

You determine what success means for you. Your thinking will move you towards realizing that success. Will you be a successful Virtual Assistant?

Achieving Goals Business Management Marketing Networking Organization Virtual Assistant

FREE VA Success Strategy Calls

I have something very special and exciting for YOU! One of my favorite past times is to sit in a nice coffee shop, enjoy a nice brew and have good conversation with good friends. So, we have decided to do more of that in a virtual sort-of-way.

Over the past 7 years, Sydni and I have been working with entrepreneurs to help them build lucrative businesses. In the process we have started 4 different companies. One of them being EAtoVA.

You might be asking, “Wil, I thought you said that you had something for me?” And you are correct.

We are taking ALL of the knowledge that we’ve used to build our businesses and share it with you EVERY week. That’s exciting for a few specific reasons:

  1. We will get to know you by talking on the phone regularly.
  2. For 10 minutes I will share with you business-building strategies.
  3. For 20 minutes you will be able to ask questions and we can brainstorm business solutions for you.
  4. NO selling, NO pitches, NO tricks. We are having a friendly conversation and getting to learn more about one another.
  5. These calls will be FREE, forever! Isn’t that cool? I really look forward to getting on the phone with you.

CLICK HERE to accept the invitation

Every Tuesday, we’ll discuss a specific topic. Check out the line up for November:

  • Nov 06: How to develop a success mindset.
  • Nov 13: Skill sets prospective clients are looking for.
  • Nov 20: What technologies are successful VAs using?
  • Nov 27: Fixing holes in your business foundation.

These are just 4 of the MANY topics that you and I will be discussing. Don’t worry, if you cannot join us live, I will post the recordings here on the blog! We are going to have an awesome time each week!

CLICK HERE to accept the invitation

Achieving Goals Mindset Skill Development Virtual Assistant

Do You Want to Become a Successful VA?

You have been searching for some time haven’t you? There are many questions about the Virtual Assistance industry that you have been trying to answer. Can I really make a living from being Virtual Assistant? Will I be able to pay my bills? How will I find clients? What tools do I need in order to work from home?

Since 2008, we have been answering these questions for our EAtoVA.com community. I’m here to assure you that If I can do it, you can do it too! (Become a member of the EAtoVA family and see how I conquered the journey of going from Executive Assistant to Virtual Assistant. Simply enter your name and email address in the boxes at the top of this page to get INSTANT access to my FREE special report “The Liberated Executive Assistant – How to Break Free From The Corporate Grind and Become Your Own Boss!“)

I know it is your goal to become a successful Virtual Assistant. That is how you found our website and introduced yourself to us. I really want to serve you first by inspiring you to set and accomplish this goal. Additionally, over the next several weeks, I am going to personally walk you through the process creating and succeeding in your very own business.

Just to keep you in the loop of what is happening here at EAtoVA.com, I want to know that I am creating a new club for people like you who want to have full support in your journey of starting your own business. Within the next couple of weeks, you will be the first to receive this exclusive information. Here is what I need you to do in order to get that information.

Click here to sign up for notification about my new club. The word will not go out to everyone. That is why I need you to raise your hand and say, “Yes Sydni, I want more info about the club”. Take a moment to sign up and you’ll be among the first to know when I unveil this new training center. And be sure to tell your friends, family members and colleagues about this exciting opportunity!

Marketing Resources Virtual Assistant

{Surprise Gift} Rebelations Magazine Visibility Boom Issue

I have a surprise for you that has me grinning from ear to ear…

If you’ve ever felt invisible in business, been deflated by lackluster marketing results or struggle to spark a 2-way conversation with your target market…

– take a look-see at this:

My biz girlfriend Gina Bell invited me to write an article for the newest issue of Rebelations Magazine!

The “Visibility Boom” issue is devoted to helping you get noticed, get clients and get your business growing!

Inside this top-notch resource for innovators, trendsetters and entrepreneurial go-getters you’ll enjoy 17 other rebelicious articles AND a special feature that will have you creating your own Visibility Boom in no time!

Imagine hearing your ideal clients say…“I see you everywhere!” and “I want to work with you!”

I’m biased for sure but I’m certain – this is a must-have resource for any aspiring woman in business!

And what I know about Gina Bell is she’s a “don’t just do it REALLY do it” kind of gal so fasten your seat belts and hold on tight – you’re going to looooove this magazine!

And the best part – it’s totally FREE!

Be among the first to join the Rebelution and jump inside the newest issue of the digital magazine at:


You know I only share top-notch stuff, right? This is one of the most valuable resources I’ve seen recently so don’t miss out! Get your copy and post a comment below to let me know what you think!

Business Management Marketing Mindset Virtual Assistant

These 3 Activities Will Grow Your Business

growthIt would be an understatement to say that you want more clients, more stability, fewer expenses and more money in your business. Let’s not start there because that is what business is all about. If you focus on three simple activities, you will see your business improve in all of the aforementioned areas.

PLAN ~ You likely have your sources for information gathering. In fact, the list of resources that are available to you grows daily. In some way, you have mentors who teach you tactics and skills that will help you to accomplish your business objectives. How you obtain that information is not as important as how quickly you will put it into action. BEFORE taking action, however, step back and get the “blimp perspective“. Blimps, such as the Goodyear Blimp, provide a perspective of a city or a venue like the Super Bowl, that you otherwise would not see. It’s the full scope. If you apply the blimp view to your business it will give you a broad perspective that includes:

  1. Where you have come from.
  2. Where you are now.
  3. Where you want to go in the future.

Planning allows you to achieve such a view of your business. Therefore, it is imperative that you take all of the knowledge that you have gained about running a successful virtual assistance company and map out the future course of your business. The blimp perspective gives you the freedom to see many potential roadblocks, opportunities and sterling possibilities. Then you will have to …

DO ~ This is the step that moves you from the drawing board to the playing field. The plans that you drew up for your business are now “LIVE”. Now it is time to ‘do or die’, ‘sink or swim’, where the ‘rubber meets the road’,  or whatever cliche you can think of that helps you to get things done! 🙂  There is no substitute for taking action on the plan that you have created. Many entrepreneurs habitually purchase programs but fail to implement what they have learned. It is as if the mere purchase would increase their business. I often wonder if they reason this way, “since I have invested in my business, I should be successful.” That is so far from the truth. Investing in a program, a seminar, a software or a service is tantamount to picking up a tool. Something has to be done after picking up that tool. Oh yeah, they call that WORK. Action is the key that unlocks the door to business success. But, do not be satisfied with planning and acting on your plan. Next, you will want to …

REVIEW ~ That’s right! Consider the results of your hard work. Did you reach your goals? How far off were you from your targets. What did you omit from the planning or action steps? What would you adjust, cut out or include?  Reviewing and measuring your results will enable you to start this 3 step process with what I like to call Success Data. This data is the stepping stone for your next round of planning, action and reviewing.

These 3 activities, when applied to your marketing, client work and back office duties will set you up for business growth and success. You cannot go wrong with this process. You will never have all of the knowledge you need at one time. Most of the important things you learn comes from the action that you take. So, do not be paralyzed by perfectionism. As long as you take confident imperfect actions, you will step closer to the goals and dreams that you have established for your virtual company.

Until next time be sure to Plan, Do and Review.

Let me know how this works for you by commenting below.

Mindset Virtual Assistant

One Tip to Explode Your Virtual Assistance Success

Give yourself the credit you deserve!

Many people doubt their self-worth. This is the case especially for woman. That can even be increased for female entrepreneurs.

“Will people buy what I am selling? Might they think I’m a fraud? Who am I to try and be successful in business?”

Let’s stop right there! If you have such feelings of self-doubt, it is important that you believe the next fours words in this article. YOU ARE THE BOMB! End of story.

Of course it is not that easy to dispel negative feelings that may have deeply entrenched roots. But, I want to help you to start realizing that you can overcome such feelings. In fact, it is a MUST if you are to be a successful entrepreneur. So, where might those feelings of low worth come from? As an administrative assistant in the work force, you are used to being at someone else’s beck and call. Clearly, that is the main function of an administrative assistant. Run here, run there. It never seems to end. That type of employment forces you to answer to every whim of other people. What is more, it may even be hard to make decisions without the approval of a superior.

Now that you seek to be a successful entrepreneur, you may find it difficult to take the first, second or even third step towards accomplishing your goals. How can you combat low self-esteem?

The key is to learn how to pat yourself on the back as you take steps towards building the business that you desire. When you learn to gain your own approval, you will find it refreshing. You will also realize that the pressures imposed upon you by other people will dissipate. Become proud of your accomplishments in everyday life, not just in business. As you become more adept at building up your self worth, you will see your level of accomplishment skyrocket. Start now by repeating this phrase, “I am the BOMB. I am SMART. I am SUCCESSFUL in all that I do.”

Feel that positive energy and allow it to boost your self-worth, your personal productivity and your Virtual Assistance business.

Transition Virtual Assistant

BIG Changes! A special video message for you

I’ve been hinting about this for a few weeks and have an announcement for you! Check out the video message I’ve prepared for you:

Best of all, YOU don’t have to do a single thing! You’ll gain access to all these new resources automatically.
I look forward to helping you create your version of a successful VA business in 2012!

Achieving Goals Business Management Marketing Networking Target Market Virtual Assistant

Enroll A New Client Within DAYS

If you entered a contest that challenged you to enroll one new client next week, how would you go about doing so? Imagine that the stakes are VERY HIGH. The prize, $100,000 if you could just get one new client to work with you in your business. Would $100,000 be enough to get you excited about prospecting for clients?

I hope that you are excited because this is a reality. If you work feverishly to get in front of your ideal clients, you can truly operate a $100,000 business! But, don’t allow the money to be a barrier for you. Think about why you started your business in the first place. What made you excited about being an entrepreneur? That is the very energy and zeal that you need to employ when you are marketing your solutions to the people who are already looking for you.

I want to share with you the strategies that we have used to build two successful businesses. First, I want to offer a disclaimer. If you do not perform the work that needs to be done, you will not get new clients and thus build your business. Fair enough? Good! Let’s get started:

  • I tapped into my warm market: That tactic is how I got my business off the ground. I simply told my friends, co-workers and associates that I was starting a Virtual Assistance company. It was fascinating to them that I was going to do the same work that I had been doing for more than a decade using the freedom of running my own company. I sent a letter to everyone that I knew and set coffee dates with others. I did whatever I could to get the word out about my new business. This was my first ever marketing campaign and my company was born. Continue Reading>>
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